Tired of Seeing Minimal Results in Your Business Despite Your Best Efforts?

Afraid you'll never achieve your business dreams?

Discover How to Set a Success Frequency

and Attract It

Transform Your Business with Daily Meditations, Scripts, and Advanced Manifesting Techniques

Ever feel like no matter what you do, you can't grow your business?

Despite your best efforts, it’s just not happening. It's as if invisible barriers are standing between you and the business—and consequently, the life—you desire, right?

Well, let me ask you...

When opportunities for more clients, more money, more success, or a better life show up, do doubts and fears immediately pop up?

Does that voice in your head start to tell you all the reasons it won’t work or how you won't get it right? Or a nervous, stressful energy sets in?

Or maybe you start making progress with a new business idea, only to lose momentum just as things start to take shape. You get things started but get derailed by a million things.

It all leaves you feeling frustrated and stuck and might even bring you down.

I hear you.

If This Resonates with You, You Might be Experiencing What I Call ‘Growth Blocks'.

It's exactly as it sounds. Something blocking you from growing and expanding in areas like financial abundance, self-expression, success, a thriving business, personal happiness, and more.

Growth blocks are deep-seated barriers formed by past influences and negative experiences.

They subtly undermine your efforts to attract and maintain success, abundance and happiness, often without you even realizing they're there.

These hidden blocks affect your state of mind, decision-making, and ability to take consistent action.

They create a negative frequency that attracts more of the same challenges and setbacks, reinforcing the cycle of struggle.

They can sabotage your business's growth and keep you from achieving the success you’re working so hard for, leaving you wondering why nothing seems to be working.

This is where Advanced Manifesting comes in...

I’ve gathered techniques, exercises, and practices that help you create and set a success frequency.

Imagine you're on a straight road leading to a successful, thriving business. All you have to do is stay on that road, and it will take you there.

But the road is littered with debris. There’s so much of it that you can't get through. You get stuck, give up, or get off the road altogether, frustrated and disappointed.

That debris? It’s the Growth Blocks. We all have them. But most of us never learn how to clear them. This generates a frequency that draws more of the same to you. (Unless you know how to consciously change the frequency on a daily basis.)

Advanced Manifesting helps you remove these Growth Blocks. You'll tap into your natural ability to manifest the life you truly desire.

Day by day, you'll start to raise your vibration, shift your frequency, and align with the energy of success, abundance, and happiness—whatever it is you want to create.

You'll begin to match the frequency of success while clearing the road ahead of all that debris. So things like new clients, product sales, visibility opportunties, partnerships, list growth, and revenue-generating ideas start showing up.

I’ve learned what we, as human beings, are capable of, IF we know exactly what to do.

Here’s the thing… Growth Blocks can stem from a myriad of deeply personal and often painful experiences.

Perhaps you’ve lost confidence after years of setbacks, or you carry the emotional scars from what life throws at you.

Maybe you’re struggling with marketing, navigating new technologies, overcoming self-doubt, or managing overwhelm.

Personal Story:

When I was working long hours in a box chain store managing a print services department, I was worn out and exhausted. I wanted out so badly, but had no idea how.

By accident, I began to manifest. It literally happened because I decided to 'pretend' everything was OK. Better even. I imagined living in a peaceful mountain valley, running my own business.

I did this to survive. I was under a ton of stress from my job, health issues, a divorce, a stalker (YES!), and more.

One day, a woman walked into my print services department. She needed help with a brochure for her non-profit organization that awarded grants to women who'd suffered abuse.

I helped her and had a great conversation with her, but didn't really think much of it. As she was leaving, she stopped, turned around and came back over to me. She said, "You know, we have so much money to give and no one to give it to... no one is applying!"

That night I applied. I was embarrassed to admit that I was one of those women and that I was struggling. But why not, right?!

What I didn't know at the time was that I was shifting my frequency. I was shifting from struggle, survival, fear, doubt, and worry.

The next week, I got a call that I had been awarded the grant! I was asked to speak at their local event too.

I used that grant to start my business (on the side at the time), and well... I now live 3000 miles away in a quiet mountain valley. I work for only for myself.

There are many more huge, astonishing manifestations in between that moment when I was awarded that grant and now. Just know, it had everything to do with setting a success frequency (even though I did not realize what I'd done at the time.)

If I had continued to listen to my inner thougths and stayed in my old habits, letting my own Growth Blocks keep me locked into living in struggle, not shifting my frequency and intention, I wouldn't have a successful business today.

It's crazy how it works. I'm still amazed everytime something changes as a result of changing my energy and frequency.

"Too many of us live our days out of habit, not intention. And if we are unaware of our patterns, beliefs, and emotional needs, how can we possibly live our best life?" Mike Foster.

Such Blocks are Often Rooted in:

  • Loss of Confidence: After repeated setbacks or lack of recognition.
  • Emotional Damage from the Past: Making it hard to trust or invest in new opportunities.
  • Self-Doubt: Believing that your experience isn't as valuable in today’s market.
  • Loneliness: In a Zoom-based, working from home world, isolation leads to decreased motivation, especially for entrepreneurs.
  • Loss of Purpose: Feeling directionless after major life changes like divorce, retirement or an empty nest.
  • Feeling Insignificant: Doubting that your actions have the impact they should.
  • Low-Growth Business: Struggling to turn ideas into reality and facing challenges in getting clients and growing revenue.
  • Underutilized Talents: Feeling that your skills, gifts, and capabilities are not fully acknowledged or utilized as they could be.

In Advanced Manifesting, I give you tools and practices

to remove blocks, and shift your energy to a success frequency. I help you set your intentions, bring your attention to what matters, and expect the outcome you desire. Here's just a little of what you'll see inside:

9 -Lesson Course: How Advanced Manifesting Works

Master the principles and techniques of advanced manifesting to understand how it really works, then apply what you learn to attract clients, opportunities, and more.

Worksheets, Exercises, and Planners

Tools to put those big ideas into action, making the abstract concrete.

Manifestation Maps for a Quick Start

Don't know where to start? Use manifesting maps that provide clear, daily actionable steps to attract a thriving business.

Results-Based Meditations

Guided meditations with an embedded framework that creates results.

Advanced Manifesting Techniques

Access proven manifesting techniques, discovered through years of research, to help you experience manifesting results faster.

71-Affirmations Digital Deck

Utilize a curated deck of affirmations to boost your confidence, shift your state of mind, and align your thoughts with your business goals.

Manifestation Scripts

Follow powerful manifesting scripts to silence negative self-talk, reframe your thoughts and shift your energy quickly.

Monthly Manifesting Challenges

Participate in monthly challenges to stay motivated, and accountable to achieve tangible results in your business and personal life.

What if You Could Wake Tomorrow, Knowing the Blocks that Once Held You Back are Gone?

Imagine your thoughts and actions flowing freely towards your dreams without any inner resistance. There’s no taking weeks to get it done or an immediate wall of disbelief popping up.

(Woah! That would be incredible, right?)

A week from now, the self-doubt that creeped in every time you tried to take a bold step in your business—gone. The fear of failure that paralyzed you just as you start gaining momentum, it's not there. The persistent worry that you're not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough is replaced with unwavering confidence.

And energetically, something is shifting.

You're getting more engagement, people are paying more attention to your business.

You're even starting to get inquiries about working with you.

You're building a successful business, and enjoying a deep sense of peace and happiness. You know you're on the right path.

This is real.

Because when you're putting in a ton of effort and nothing's changing, you have to look at what you're matching energetically. What frequency are you generating?

That’s all there really is in our world - frequency.

“According to current estimates from NASA, the vast majority of the universe (over 95%) is what we would traditionally consider "empty space," or “energy/frequency” with only a small fraction being ordinary matter that we can directly observe.”

So how much impact do you think the energy (or frequency) you generate impacts your life? Your business?

Here's how the Advanced Manifesting membership works:


Login and start the Advanced Manifesting tutorial.

Get the basics


Begin your daily practices

(You can choose different advanced techniques, meditations, and scripts - they’re all designed to help remove Growth Blocks)


Join the AM community.

Where I lead monthly Manifesting Challenges and answer your questions so you can concentrate your energy and intention toward an expected outcome.


Watch for new tools dropped each month.

Your library continues to grow monthly. You’re never without the tools that work.

Having the tools and daily practice to direct your energy, creating a success frequency and the outcome it attracts is where 90% of your attention should be directed.

With All of These Resources at Your Fingertips, Means You Can:

  • Find Advanced Techniques that fit you and every situation: Access a comprehensive library of advanced manifesting techniques tailored to your unique needs, helping you navigate and shape the life you desire. (Receive a new Advanced Manifesting Technique every month!)
  • Silence negative self-talk with manifesting scripts: Use powerful manifesting scripts to quiet the negative self-talk and align your intentions with your actions. These scripts help rewire your brain to focus on and achieve what you truly want. (Receive a new manifesting script every month!)
  • Elevate your energy with Guided Meditations: Immerse yourself in results-driven meditations that calm your mind and attune your energy to the frequencies of abundance, success, love, happiness, and well-being. (Receive a new meditation every month!)
  • Stay motivated with a Manifesting Community: Join a supportive community that keeps you focused and on track. This community helps you consistently apply what you've learned, ensuring you see real changes. (Participate in a Manifesting Challenge every month!)

I’ll be there to guide you. Have questions? I’ll answer them.

I created Advanced Manifesting from years of personal research, application, and study. I’ve worked with 3 Manifesting Mentors to date and now I’m sharing all the wisdom with you!

Experience the Meditations Designed Specifically for You:

Who is the Advanced Manifesting Membership for?

You’ve clung to limiting beliefs for too long, knowing they don’t fit who you are or where you want your business to go. It’s time for a refresh.

You're tired of the same old routines that aren’t bringing the growth or fulfillment you crave. You're ready to shake things up, even if it feels a bit uncomfortable at first.

You’ve shelved your big business dreams for too long. It’s time to create a thriving business and a life that is all yours, built on your terms. No more hiding, just doing.

You're done watching from the sidelines. Now, it's your turn to lead with your heart, use your gifts, and make impactful changes in your business and your life.

Michelle Sera, author, coach,

mentor, and your biggest fan.

I Was Once Told...

If You Can't Manage Your Mind and and Remove Growth Blocks, You'll forever Struggle to Succeed.

If you don’t know who I am, I’m Michelle Sera, founder of ElevatedMind ®, a company built to inspire you to create the life and business you desire, no matter your age, stage, or starting point.

I started ElevatedMind ® after 15+ years of working behind the scenes in the marketing of multi-million dollar coaching companies. During that time, I also coached people through company marketing programs that ranged from $2K to $100K, sometimes flying people in to spend a weekend with me for intense implementation and training.

I found that it didn't matter who you were, how much you spent, or how badly you needed to "succeed". If you can't manage your mind and beliefs, or remove growth blocks, you'll forever struggle with success. I recognized the same patterns in myself.​

At the intersection of mind and belief, when managed, something incredible begins to happen. Your attraction point shifts (frequency) and the effort you have to exert to create what you want lessens. It was in the witnessing of this that I realized, therein lies the true human potential.​

So I sought out knowledge, mentors and training to help on the level of thought, emotion, frequency, happiness, state of mind, and aligned action. The results of this have been life-changing.​

When you work from the point of belief, everything else follows. It's that simple. You really can create the life and business you desire.

Advanced Manifesting is the first level of work at ElevatedMind ®.

We love holding the space for you to create your deepest desires.

Advanced Manifesting is Full of Resources for You to Tap into a Success Frequency Every Single Day.

  • The 9-lesson Advanced Manifesting Course
  • Advanced Manifesting Techniques
  • Worksheets, Exercises, Planners
  • Manifestation Maps
  • Results-Based Meditations
  • Guided Affirmations & Visualizations
  • 71-Affirmations Digital Card Deck
  • Manifestation Scripts
  • Monthly Manifesting Challenges
  • Fresh, New Monthly Content
  • Extra Gift: Imposter Syndrome 5-Day Shift
  • Extra Gift: Business Success Attraction Bundle

All for $9 a month.

You can cancel at any time.

(But I hope you never want to.)


Q: What is the Advanced Manifesting Membership?

A: The Advanced Manifesting Membership is a monthly membership designed to help you clear growth blocks, master your mind, and manifest your desired outcomes. It provides you with advanced techniques, manifesting scripts, guided meditations, and a supportive community to help you achieve success in your business and life. Your library of resources grows every month with new techniques, meditations, and manifesting scripts, so it never gets old!

Q: Who is this membership for?

A: This membership is specifically designed for women over 50 who are looking to build successful businesses, improve their personal development, and manifest their goals. Whether you're just starting or looking to take your business to the next level, this membership offers the tools and support to bring your energy (and frequency) to level that attracts the success syou’re after.

Q: How will the Advanced Manifesting Membership help me grow my business?

A: The membership provides advanced manifesting techniques to find and get rid of growth blocks, practical strategies to manage your mind, and guided meditations to elevate your energy, setting a success frequency. These resources are designed to help you stay focused, attract opportunities, and create a thriving business.

Q: What kind of resources will I receive each month?

A: Each month, you will receive a new advanced manifesting technique, a powerful manifesting script to silence negative self-talk, a results-based guided meditation, and the opportunity to participate in a manifesting challenge within our supportive community.

Q: How do I access the membership content?

A: Once you join the membership, you will have access to all the resources through our online platform. You can access the content anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace.

Q: What makes the Advanced Manifesting Membership different from other programs?

A: The Advanced Manifesting Membership combines inner work, manifesting science, and advanced techniques I’ve found from years of study, research, and working with manifesting mentors of my own. I bring it all together in one place for you.

Q: How long will it take to see results?

A: The timeframe for seeing results is different for each person (I’m sure you knew I’d say that, lol.) However, many members begin to notice positive changes in their state of mind, energetic levels, and business growth within the first few weeks of consistently applying the techniques and practices provided. I often hear “Something’s shifting!” or “Something just feels different.” And then the excited, “I got 2 new clients!” or “I got invited to speak at a HUGE event.”

Q: Can I cancel my membership at any time?

A: Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. Inside the members’ area is a button you can click to manage your membership details. No customer service contact required.

© 2023 Vermilion Marketing, LLC